Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Quote for the day

“…teach your children what to do -- kindness, empathy, fair play, and turn-taking are critical skills for good peer relations.”

Building solid people begins in childhood, at home.  What the child does is what the parent taught.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Quote for the day

“Bullying is different from aggression. Whereas aggression may involve a single act, bullying involves repeated attacks against the target…”
~Washington State Department of Labor

Just in case we needed to define the problem...

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Quote for the day

"There is a light at the end of the tunnel but first you'll have to find the light switch and change the bulb before switching it on yourself. No problem, as targets of bullying are picked on for their competence and abilities."
~ Tim Field

And how sad is it that bullies are most likely to pick on those who could probably help them to find the answers...

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Quote for the day

Your kids learn a lot about power relationships from watching you. When you get angry at a waiter, a sales clerk, another driver on the road, or even your child, you have a great opportunity to model effective communication techniques. Don’t blow it by blowing your top! Any time you speak to another person in a mean or abusive way, you’re teaching your child that bullying is ok.”

And how easy is it to forget that someone is always watching?

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Quote for the day

"Bullies thrive wherever authority is weak"
~Tim Field

This kind of speaks for itself, doesn't it?

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Quote for the day

"I just want the bullying to stop. That is all I ever wanted. I used to love going to school. Now I hate it."
~9-year-old Verity Ward (quoted in the Sunday Telegraph, 12 March 2000)

Out of the mouths of babes.  If your child asked for a new toy, you'd find a way to get it, right?  All this child wants is to go to school in peace.  How do we give her what she's asking for?  Think about it...

Thursday, July 26, 2012

How To Stop Bullying -- a few suggestions.

We've been thinking -- a lot.  And while this may or may not be seen as a good thing (in so many ways...), we've decided that there are some very specific things that need to be considered when it comes to bullying.  With that in mind, we've made the following list and hope it gives everyone some starting places when it comes to getting past the bullying epidemic in our society.

Here's our list of the top ten ways to end bullying:
  1. Learn the facts
  2. Understand the language
  3. Stop bad behavior
  4. Set the policy
  5. Plan school-wide activities
  6. Be public
  7. Address cyber bullying
  8. Train and educate everyone
  9. Work for comprehensive health education
  10. Resources, resources, resources
Now, like Glinda the Good Witch in The Wizard of Oz said, "it's always best to start at the beginning."  So pick your point and grow from where you are, but whatever you do, know that your effort is for the good of us all.